Here you will learn how to calculate 533 multiplied by 11 using long multiplication. In other words, learn how to use long multiplication to find the answer to 533 times 11. We will first give you step-by-step instructions, and then we will illustrate with an image what we did.
We start by writing the numbers 533 and 11 on top of each other, making sure to align the numbers by place value.
Then we multiply the ones digit of 11 with each digit of 533, and write the products in the next row, from right to left. (If the product is greater than 9, carry the tens digit to the next column.)
Now we write a 0 in the next row, then multiply the tens digit of 11 with each digit of 533, and write down the products. (Again, if the product is greater than 9, carry the tens digit to the next column.)
Finally, we add the two rows of products that we created in order to get our answer. Here is an illustration of what we described:

As you can see from the illustration above, the answer to 533 times 11 is the green number in the bottom row. The answer is 5,863.
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