What is negative 9 times negative 58?

9 times 58 is 522, but what is the answer if both 9 and 58 are negative numbers? Here we will determine if the answer to negative 9 times negative 58 is positive 522 or negative 522.

There are many different ways to explain and determine if the answer to negative 9 times negative 58 is -522 or +522 using mathematical terms such as additive inverse and mathematical laws like the Distribute Law.

We will take a different approach - process of elimination: We will simply test if -522 is the correct answer using basic algebra.

We will test if -522 is correct by setting up the equation negative 9 times negative 58 equals negative 522, and then simplifying the equation to see if it is true.

(-9) (-58) = (-522)

Divide both sides of the equation by (-58) :

(-9) (-58)

The numerator and denominator on the left side both have (-58) which even each other out and can be removed:

  (-9) =

The numerator and denominator on the right side both have a minus sign (-) which even each other out and can be removed:

  (-9) =

A numerator of 522 and denominator of 58 on the right side is the same as 522 divided by 58 which is 9. Now we end up with this untrue equation:

(-9) = (9)

-9 is NOT equal to 9, thus we have proven that negative 9 times negative 58 is not equal to -522. The answer must therefore be 522:

-9 x -58 = 522

The above applies to all math problems where you multiply two negative numbers. Multiplying two negative numbers such as negative 9 times negative 58 will always have a positive answer.

Negative Times Negative Calculator
Here you can multiply another two negative numbers together.


What is negative 9 times negative 59?
Here is the next problem on our list that we have explained and calculated.

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